Federal Legislation and Regulation Resources
PRESS RELEASE: Doctors for America Condemns Lawsuits by Merck and U.S. Chamber of Commerce That Put Profits Over Patients
A Call for Health For All
Improving Health and Health Care: Values and Principles for Values and Principles for Transformation
Statement on the Anniversary of the Enactment of the Affordable Care Act
Statement on the Ending of Medicaid Continuous Enrollment Provision
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Happening Now
Prescription Drugs, FDA
PRESS RELEASE: Doctors for America’s FDA Task Force Applauds Senate End of Year Package
Health for All, Prescription Drugs, FDA
PRESS RELEASE: Doctors for America’s FDA Task Force Meets Legislators for a Third Time Ahead of End of Year Package
Health for All, Prescription Drugs, FDA
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CHP Subcommittee Meeting
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FDA Task Force Meeting
Virtual Event
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Federal Legislation Sub-Committee Meeting
Virtual Event
Please email Marlou Svenson at [email protected] to register.