DFA Round Up – July 15, 2018

Our National Leadership Conference in Baltimore convened dozens of speakers on gun violence prevention, prescription drug pricing, the future of health care, substance use disorder, and others. Featured is our medical students who were recipients of our scholarship fund.
DFA physicians and medical students joined the Poor People’s Campaign on Capitol Hill urging Congress to take action on several issues that affect the health and wellbeing of our patients
DFA members stood in solidarity with Congressman Dr Raul Ruiz and House Minority Leadership urging legislation to prevent the separation of children from their parents at the border and for immediate reunification.
DFA intern Divya Desale met with her Congressmember and spoke to him about the importance Medicaid and gun violence has on her community
Dr Sanjeev Sriram spoke on a panel called “Tackling Health Trauma of Natural Disasters” hosted by the House Committee on Homeland Security
Dr Sanjeev Sriram went to Capitol Hill to meet with Senators and urge them to take swift action to reunite families at the border and speaking of the health damages children and families suffer through separation
Dr Parveen Parmar attended a rally in Los Angeles with other physicians calling for the reunification of children and parents at the border.
Dr Sanjeev Sririam a pediatrician flew to an Irvine detention facility calling for swift and immediate action to reunite children and families at the border
Dr Donald Nguyen attended at 4th of July parade highlighting the importance Medicaid has on curbing the opioid epidemic
Dr Donald Nguyen spoke to a crowd of dozens of the importance of maintaining a strong social safety net with adequate funding for Medicaid programs
DFA Board Members Dr Meghana Rao and medical student Justin Lowenthal along with Maryland DFA members, joined hundreds in Baltimore demanding action be taken to stop the separation of families at the border and called for reunification.


DFA’s Gun Violence Prevention working group leader Dr Nina Agrawal gave a presentation at the NYDOCS Policy Summit Gun Violence Is A Health Crisis




Dr Bewtra attended a rally continuing to urge for swift reunification of children and families at the border



Dr Hussain Lalani penned an op-ed in the Dallas Morning News of the importance of physicians to be aware of the cost of the drugs they are prescribing and the impact this can have on the overall cost this can have on patients

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