DFA Round Up – April 14, 2018

DFA’s 2018 National Leadership Conference

This energy and commitment to our patients will culminate at DFA’s National Leadership Conference that begins on June 1st.

JOIN DFA’s Expert Webinar on Adolescent Substance Use Prevention: 

Thursday April 19th, 5pm EST

Hosted by DFA Board Member Dr Lori Heim and featuring Dr Luke J. Lindley

Click here to register for our expert webinar 

Substance use disorders affect all communities and all socioeconomic groups.  Learn about the particular aspects relating to adolescents, how to screen & resources available.  Even if you are not treating adolescents, you can be part of your community, state and national response to this crisis.

DFA Round Up – April 14, 2018



Doctors for America is proud to announce the addition of medical student Christine Petrin to the national Board of Directors. Click here to learn more about Christine.

Dr Sanjeev Sriram joined House Minority Leader Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Schumer to celebrate the 8th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act.


Gun Violence Prevention Campaign

Our team led by Nina Agrawal MD, David Berman MD, Justin Lowenthal, Sanjeev Sriram MD supported thousands of students calling for gun violence prevention legislation on National School Walkout Day March 14th.

DFA held an expert call with guests Jeffrey Swanson PhD, Amy Barnhorst MD, and our Senior Advisor Harold Pollack PhD to discuss the role physicians can play in gun violence prevention.



CA State Director Dr Parveen Parmar joined physician advocates during the March For Our Lives event in Los Angeles.


Dr Nathan Chomilo penned an op-ed in the Twin Cities Pioneer Press on the effects that work-requirements will have on his patients.

Dr Nathan Chomilo highlighted early childhood intervention as the best way to address Minnesota’s opportunity gaps in the state Capitol.

Dr Nathan Chomilo along with AAP led legislative visits with Minnesota Congressional representatives.



Dr Umbreen Nehal was recognized as one of Linkedin’s top 15 women.



Drs Donald Nguyen & Matthew Noordsij-Jones joined the March For Our Lives event urging Congress to address gun violence.



Dr Katherine Scheirman marched with hundreds of citizens demanding action from Congress to address gun violence prevention for the March For Our Lives events across the country.



DFA-NY joined Senate Minority Leader Schumer along with thousands of protesters demanding action on gun violence prevention.

Dr Nina Agrawal lead the DFA-NYC House Party focused on engaging physicians to advocate for gun violence prevention.



Dr Lisa Plymate attended the “Neighborhood Conversation to Combat Youth Violence” in Seattle representing DFA-WA. Click here to read more about the conversation.

Medical student Kaia Barth stood in solidarity with millions across the country demanding action to address the public health crisis of gun violence.


Drug Pricing, Value, and Affordability Campaign: 

DFA’s prescription drug team joined dozens of organizations in support of Maryland’s HB 1194.

Tell us about what you are up to! Email your updates and photos to [email protected]

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