What is Doctors for America (DFA)?

We are a movement of thousands of doctors and medical students across specialties in all 50 states and every congressional district who have come together since 2009 to ensure that everyone had access to equitable, affordable, high-quality health care and the opportunity to lead a healthy life.

We are a nonpartisan, nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization.

What do I do as a DFA member?

  • You take action with doctors and medical students across the country.
  • You share with other doctors and medical students and friends ways they can have an impact.
  • You speak from your own experiences about what your patients need.
  • You help shape priorities for the movement locally and nationally.
  • You serve as a resource and leader in your community.
  • You get informed about key issues affecting the health of the nation.

What are the benefits of becoming a DFA member?

  • Community and inspiration
  • Mentorship and training
  • Action tools
  • Timely updates, resources, and calls to action

How do I become a member of Doctors for America?

Sign up for DFA here. At this time, to make membership more accessible, our membership model functions on donations rather than set dues.

Can I get involved if I’m not a doctor?

Doctors for America membership is made up of doctors and medical students, but we seek to work with everyone inside and outside of the health professions. You are welcome to sign up for our updates!

How is Doctors for America different from other physician groups?

  • We are a movement that is based on collective action, rather than a trade association based on identity (i.e., radiologists, Mississippi doctors).
  • Instead of having lobbyists, we take action ourselves.
  • We focus our advocacy primarily on patients’ needs, rather than on the details of physician practice. Our priorities are improving access to both health care and to basic life needs that determine health.
  • We encourage our members to belong to other organizations to bring the actions and resources of DFA to a broader audience.

How is Doctors for America funded?

Individual contributions fund half our annual budget. Please consider a generous tax-deductible donation.

We also receive grant funding from foundations.

What will my donation do?

Donations support our national office, which coordinates with national partners, sends resources and updates to the membership, connects with national and local media, organizes events like our annual conference, maintains our website and social media accounts, and supports our board and volunteer leaders across the country.

I still have questions. How can I get in touch with DFA staff?

We would love to hear from you! Use our Contact page to get in touch with us, or find us on TwitterFacebookLinkedIn, or Instagram.

WINTER MEMBERSHIP SALE! Use code WINTER for 30% OFF membership!

Contribute to our work by making a tax-deductible donation to DFA!

Can we count on you?

Your donation of just $50 helps us provide resources, advocate for policy changes, and support communities in need. Every dollar brings us closer to a future where healthcare is a right, not a privilege.

Donate now