PRESS RELEASE: Doctors for America Files Amicus Brief to Protect North Carolina Patients’ Access to Mifepristone

Doctors for America
PO Box: 21161
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October 28, 2024

Doctors for America Files Amicus Brief to Protect North Carolina Patients’ Access to  Mifepristone 

Washington, D.C.: Doctors for America (DFA) has filed an amicus brief urging the U.S. Court  of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit to reject North Carolina’s attempt to impose onerous and  unnecessary restrictions on the FDA-approved abortion medication mifepristone. 

Doctors for America urges the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals to put patients over politics and  fully affirm FDA’s clearly established preemption authority. While Doctors for America agrees  with part of the district court’s ruling that some of North Carolina’s restrictions to accessing  mifepristone are preempted by the federal FDA regulatory review process, the organization  disagrees with the district court’s assessment that the state’s additional unscientific restrictions to  mifepristone including in-person consultation and examination requirements and further  laboratory testing, are not preempted by FDA’s federal authority. 

The amicus brief filed in the case of Bryant v. Moore presents legal arguments why North  Carolina’s state laws limiting access to mifepristone are in direct violation with the U.S.  Supremacy Clause, which requires federal law to take precedence over conflicting state laws.  Simply put, Congress has given FDA the authority to decide the who, what, where, when, and  how of prescribing, administering, and dispensing of certain drugs, including mifepristone.  Exercising that authority, FDA has considered and rejected the “safeguards” North Carolina is  attempting to impose. Doctors from across the country will be watching this case closely. 

“The practice of using the judicial system to circumvent FDA’s scientific expertise and authority  on drug regulation is dangerous and could have widespread consequences,” said DFA’s FDA  Task Force Chair, Dr. Reshma Ramachandran, “If allowed to stand, North Carolina’s medically  unnecessary restrictions on mifepristone offers other states a playbook for how to effectively  obstruct FDA’s expert judgment regarding the availability of medications based on feelings  rather than facts.” 

In the brief, Dr. Aliye Runyan, a practicing obstetrician-gynecologist and DFA member states,  “these additional restrictions on access to mifepristone are in place for political reasons, not medical ones,” and that as a result, the “practice of medicine is being unethically limited by  restrictive laws.” 

The brief was filed by Goodwin Procter LLP and Columbia Law School’s Science, Health & Information Clinic (SHIC),  which provide pro bono legal help to DFA. 

“DFA’s work in these cases is in large part about protecting the regulatory power of the FDA in  the face of state governments that want to second guess and override the FDA’s decisions,” said  SHIC student attorney, Nora M. Franco. SHIC Director, Christopher J. Morten added, “many  elements of our health care system that rely on national uniformity – from prescribing guidelines  and standards of care to telemedicine to medical education – are threatened by state laws that  override the FDA’s expert decision-making. Patients will suffer if the Fourth Circuit allows  North Carolina’s law to stand.” 

To read the full brief filed in the case of Bryant v. Moore click here. 

For press inquiries for members of the FDA Task Force Doctors for America please contact  Claire Onyechi with Continuum Health Group ([email protected]). 

About Doctors for America: 

Doctors for America mobilizes doctors and medical students to be leaders in putting patients  over politics to improve the health of our patients, communities, and nation. We are 27,000  physicians and medical students in all 50 states, representing all areas of specialization. Our  impact areas focus on access to affordable care, community health and prevention, and health  justice and equity. DFA focuses solely on what is best for our patients, not on the business side  of medicine, and does not accept any funding from pharmaceutical or medical device companies;  which uniquely positions DFA as the organization that puts patients over politics and patients  over profits. Find out more at and on Twitter @drsforamerica. 


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